Cook-it Programme 2020

The young people here at Goal Line have been able to keep busy during lockdown by working on their cooking skills, and learning about healthy eating.


Twenty young people here at Goal Line Youth Trust have completed the six week ‘Cook-it programme’, which is geared towards teaching young people to be independent and competent in the kitchen. Over the course of the six week programme the group cooked a range of meals, starting simple with sandwiches and developed their kitchen skills throughout the programme until week 6 when they put their skills to the test and made delicious Spaghetti Bolognese from scratch! For a lot of the young people they had never cooked a meal for themselves before, and enjoyed the chance to learn about food and cook for themselves. 

The young people learned about the benefits of healthy eating, and how to maintain a balanced diet. They were introduced to a variety of new fruits, and delicious ways to enjoy healthy snacks like fruit kebabs, and chocolate dipped strawberries. 


As well as practical sessions they were taught about kitchen safety and food hygiene was discussed in detail important skills such as using a knife and opening a tin were covered in addition to how to safely store our food. Their confidence grew considerably each session as their capabilities improved too.

All of the young people really enjoyed their time on the programme and we hope that they will be able to put their new skills into practice at home, and maybe even cook for mum and dad!

We would like to thank Carly for facilitating the programme over the course of the six weeks, and working hard to comply with Covid-19 guidelines.

Article written by Craig Chambers.


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