Young Volunteers Achieve OCN Award

Eight of our volunteers here at Goal Line have recently participated in the OCN NI Level 1 course for Youthwork in Practice, attending eight weeks of learning followed by an assessment at the centre.


The OCN award is a great way of recognising the hard work the young people have put in, not just for the course, but for the years of volunteering they’ve done at the club since they came as members. Some of these young people have come to the club since they were 7 years old and are eager to give back and volunteer now they’ve turned 16.

Unfortunately, due to implications of the Covid-19 pandemic three of the volunteers were unable to complete the assessment on the given date, however five volunteers passed the assessment and earned their OCN Level 1 award, while the remaining 3 will complete in the near future. 

The Youthwork in Practice course is designed for those who have leadership aspirations and potential in youthwork and will have developed both the leadership and communication skills of the volunteers. The course teaches skills on how to effectively plan and deliver youthwork activities in addition to key skills regarding safeguarding and evaluation. The volunteers completed a written portfolio and completed a practical assessment in the centre where they planned and delivered an entire session at the club Goal Line Youth Centre. They had the added pressure of planning sessions under the ever-changing social distancing restrictions, and despite the obstacles all five volunteers passed on the assessment night to achieve the level 1 award.

“I definitely feel better prepared as a youth worker” - Emily, 16

“I feel much more confident and prepared for sessions now” - Scarlett 16

The eight-week course funded and delivered by Youth Link was run between September – November 2020, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, which meant that social distancing regulations had to be followed, and PPE worn during indoor sessions. The volunteers performed extremely well despite the difficult circumstances and didn’t let it stop them from achieving their goal. Completion of the course allows the volunteers to complete level 2 of the OCN youthwork award, which enables them to progress into higher study and paid youth work practice.

 “I enjoyed the OCN course, it’s helped me explore opportunities in youth work” - Emma, 16 


Our volunteers will be well equipped with new skills and knowledge for when the club opens up again after lockdown, where we hope they can put them in to practice. All 5 of our newly qualified youth workers came to Goal Line as children, and progressed through as buddies, and then volunteers before completing their OCN, (which qualifies them for paid youth work.) All 5 of these young people have gained so much in confidence and knowledge and will make for excellent volunteers and role models for the young members of Goal Line.

We would like to offer our gratitude to Youth Link for organising the course, and a massive thanks to the inspirational course leaders, Lauren, Darren and Maxine for working through tough conditions and making it all happen.

Article written by Craig Chambers.


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