Toilet Trouble


Toilets may not be the most desirable topic to talk about, but Goal Line Youth Trust has had many discussions as to how to raise funds to refurbish four toilet blocks in the youth centre. It isn’t top of funders lists even though the youth centre has been in daily use for the last 30 years. It is now time to do a complete makeover for the Boys and Girls upstairs toilet blocks and the two individual toilet units downstairs.

Fundraising was reasonably successful before the pandemic struck and then all ideas were ‘flushed down the pan’. We are not known for just sitting back and thinking about things at Goal Line. We like to keep moving so to speak. Inspiration hit amongst the safety messages in the media to fight against the coronavirus and The Wash Your Hands project was launched. Applications were sent to various potential funders.


The Community Foundation Northern Ireland offered to part fund the refurbishment and on the strength of that the National Lottery Community Fund came on board too. What with Goal Line’s own savings The Wash Your Hands Project is about to begin. The young people of Goal Line as well as the community user groups will see a great improvement. This would not have been possible if we had no external funding.

Now if you know of anyone who might be interested in funding acoustic panels for our sports hall just point them our way.

Article written by Lyn Irwin.


Young Volunteers Achieve OCN Award


Newsletter: April – June 2020